Your resolution for Yom Kippur 5780:

Yom Kippur is such an awesome day, that it turns everyone into malachim!    This email is aiming to help in 2 crucial areas that your Yom Kippur depends on: a)  Yom Kippur does not help for any grievances between husband and wife.    If there...
The right incentive

The right incentive

Build the love in your marriage, by giving with the right incentive. By Rabbi Meyer Gabay You are giving to your spouse all the time. Are you feeling your love grow every time that you do? Pay attention to what is motivating you, when you do the things that you do...

T.H.E. M. Marriage enrichment seminar

HJM presents: Torah Health-Education for Marriage T.H.E. “M” Bring a Marriage Enrichment Seminar to your Community! HJM Marriage Enrichment Seminars bring awareness to married couples to improve their marriage at any stage in their life. They bring light...