What is HJM all about

Healthy Jewish Marriages is a Torah based approach to improving the dynamic in your marriage and your home. Utilizing Jewish texts that have had proven success for thousands of years, together with modern life coaching techniques, Healthy Jewish Marriages explores today’s modern expectations of marriage and offers practical advice for daily interactions so that your home will be filled with love, peace and growth.

The goal of our workshops and lectures is to improve the marriage closeness, increase the couple’s shared happiness and mutual love, and prevent many typical problems within marriage before they even start. We offer critical skills that when put into practice, stear the marriage clear from trouble, while building the relationship stronger and stronger.

The Torah’s teachings are replete with techniques on personal character perfection, that improve life in general, and marriages in particular. They bring depth of understanding about our subconscious character that affects how we react, and teach the ways of amending the character and intern improving our actions.

Likewise, another crucial Torah teaching that brings marriage success, is in the understanding of the differences of nature that exist between men and women. To accept that one is different from one’s spouse, rather than trying to change one’s spouse to become like oneself, is a first step towards marriage peace. But then, one could even harness the opposite nature of one’s spouse, which will produce a vibrant, loving and fulfilling marriage.

The biggest challenge in any marriage is for each individual to improve his or her own character. To demand personal perfection and not to succumb to the cop out of blaming one’s shortcomings on one’s spouse.

It is possible at any stage in one’s marriage to refocus one’s goals and learn new tools.

Healthy Jewish Marriages offers a wide range of lecture topics for all stages of marriage life, many of which are offered in a series of classes for men and women as couples or in separate forums. Also available are pre marriage classes for the engaged, classes for dating singles, and preliminary guidance for teens. These lectures are offered through out Israel and to communities abroad.

Forum coaching (called Marriage GYMs) for helping to get the lessons in practice as well as couples coaching for relationships in need of extra support, are also available, via skyp or in person.

Weekly tips are offered through this web site, and are sent by e-mail to our subscribers.

Stay tuned to hear more about our up coming e-books, monthly newsletter, webiner sessions and more….

We especially encourage newly engaged and married couples to attend our classes.

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