HJM Services


Rabbi Gabay lectures throughout Israel and to communities abroad.
[To invite R.Gabay as your guest speaker]

Healthy Jewish Marriages offers a wide range of lecture topics for all stages of marriage life, many of which are offered in a series of classes for men and women as couples or in separated forums.

Inviting R. Gabay as your Guest speaker

Jewish communities that are interested in strengthening their marriages in group forums would greatly benefit by hiring R. Gabay as a guest speaker. Lectures can be chosen from any of the given topics, and follow up marriage GYMs are available during R. Gabay’s stay, as well as afterwards through skype forums.

In Israel: get your friends together in a house group, and invite R. Gabay as your guest speaker. Similarly, you can start a “marriage GYM” with a group of your friends, as you work together on your marriages.

Learn more about the marriage GYM… click here

Marriage “GYM”s

Forum coaching (called Marriage GYMs) for helping to get the lessons in practice as well as couples coaching for relationships in need of extra support, are also available, via skyp or in person.

Skype sessions, click here

Marriage coaching:

In addition to his highly acclaimed lecture series, Rabbi Gabay offers personal coaching for couples looking to improve upon the foundation of their marriage.

Whether you are couple seeking to improve the foundation of your marriage or a couple whose marriage is already good and your just looking to make it better the goal of coaching is to learn how to build lasting love, and to implament good habits and techniques in your life.

Pre-Marriage coaching

Hadrachat Chatanim

Also available are pre-marriage classes for the engaged. R. Gabay offers “Hadrachat Chatanim” for the groom only.

a) for giving the tools to the newly wed to make his marriage a success from the start. Also available in an advanced course for chatanim, are classes that explore the nature of women, to promote mutual understanding, and avoid many unnecessary mistakes from the begining of the marriage.

b) for teaching the intricate laws of marriage purity (Hilchot Nida and Hilchot Kedusha)

Available in eretz yisrael.

For Chatanim outside of Israel:

via Skype: Go deeper , enrich your hadracha

Contact us

Are you interested to do the entire hadrachat chatanim package with R. Gabay? It’s possible to do most of it via skype, but the end of the hadracha must be in person.

Contact us

Available in eretz yisrael.

couple enrichment

Newly weds that are looking for furthering their studies, can do so via skyp, or in person (in Israel). Come as a team to work on your marriage success together!

Contact us

e-books and newsletters

HJM offers written material for further study on lecture topics. Complete with sources and cross referances and further explanations…

Stay tuned to hear more about our up coming e-books, monthly newsletter and more….

We especially encourage newly engaged and married couples to attend our classes.

The Focus

Excerpts from the broader lectures are chosen and explained for focussing on a single area of personal improvement at a time, called “The Focus”

“The Focus” are either practical exercises (tips) that you should try at home or selected parts of the lectures aiming to motivate and inspire.

Sometimes they come with optional marriage GYMs via skyp for further coaching.

and sometimes e-books are available for deeper study in the topic of the tip.

[To The Focus]

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